The Choir

The first choir of men and women at Christ Church was established in 1907. and presumably performed at the dedication of the church building in that year. Since that time, Christ Church has enjoyed the services of a regular choir virtually uninterrupted.

The current choir consists entirely of members of the parish of Christ Church, led by Mr George King, who has served as organist and choirmaster of Christ Church since 1981.

The choir is renowned around South Africa for maintaining a high standard of musical worship. The choir sings at the morning Choral Eucharist on all regular Sundays, as well as great feast days such as Christmas and Easter, and also sing Evensong on the first Sunday of every month.

The choir accepts applications from prospective members at all times. The ability to read music notation is a good recommendation, but a talent for singing and the willingness to commit to regular rehearsals and performances are the only requirements. Adults and children aged 9 years and older are welcome to apply to join the choir.

Those interested in joining should speak to Mr King after Sunday services.

Our choir on YouTube